Delivering on our Promise: A Safer Future for Women and Seniors


2023 - 2026


The COVID-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented challenges to our society. Among them lies a disturbing increase in gender-based violence and elder abuse. As the world grapples with the lingering impacts of the pandemic, it is clear that the need for support and resources for those affected by violence, abuse and neglect is more pressing than ever.

AWHL At A Glance

AWHL was established in 1985 as a response to the growing need for a dedicated support system for women facing violence. With full funding from the Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services, AWHL became the first telephone crisis service of its kind in the province.

Our Planning Process

In August 2022, AWHL’s Strategic Planning Committee initiated a planning process to renew the foundational statements, determine our long-term direction and identify strategic priorities to guide the organization over the next 3 years.

Redefining Our Mission: A Roadmap to Interrupting Cycles of Violence

After over a decade of stewarding the Seniors Safety Line, we are proud to announce that we are integrating our elder abuse work into the larger mission of AWHL. Elder abuse is often overlooked and unaddressed but with the right resources and support, we can help ensure that older individuals age with dignity and security.

Strategic Priorities

Three strategic priorities focus our efforts, designed to fulfil our mission and to engage our organization in the wider vision.

Thank You

We would like to thank all the stakeholders who generously gave their time and energy to help us chart a future course for AWHL’s evolution. We especially acknowledge the service users who participated in this process for your insightful contributions – your ideas and opinions were incredibly valuable to the process and your strength and resilience are constant reminders of why we do this work.


Delivering on our Promise: A Safer Future for Women and Seniors


2023 - 2026


The COVID-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented challenges to our society. Among them lies a disturbing increase in gender-based violence and elder abuse. As the world grapples with the lingering impacts of the pandemic, it is clear that the need for support and resources for those affected by violence, abuse and neglect is more pressing than ever.

AWHL At A Glance

AWHL was established in 1985 as a response to the growing need for a dedicated support system for women facing violence. With full funding from the Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services, AWHL became the first telephone crisis service of its kind in the province.

Our Planning Process

In August 2022, AWHL’s Strategic Planning Committee initiated a planning process to renew the foundational statements, determine our long-term direction and identify strategic priorities to guide the organization over the next 3 years.

Redefining Our Mission: A Roadmap to Interrupting Cycles of Violence

After over a decade of stewarding the Seniors Safety Line, we are proud to announce that we are integrating our elder abuse work into the larger mission of AWHL. Elder abuse is often overlooked and unaddressed but with the right resources and support, we can help ensure that older individuals age with dignity and security.

Strategic Priorities

Three strategic priorities focus our efforts, designed to fulfil our mission and to engage our organization in the wider vision.

Thank You

We would like to thank all the stakeholders who generously gave their time and energy to help us chart a future course for AWHL’s evolution. We especially acknowledge the service users who participated in this process for your insightful contributions – your ideas and opinions were incredibly valuable to the process and your strength and resilience are constant reminders of why we do this work.